Physics for Ukraine was an idea which made us prepare a wide range of most popular and most up-to-dated teaching aids in Ukrainian language to let Ukrainian students continuing their learning course without language stress. They can use the same sets, models and experiment kits as their foreign colleages and schoolmates, but with the accompanying materials in their national language - Ukrainian. In such a way the whole class in Ukraine or in a combined class can conduct the same experiments and use the same worksheets, all in their own language.
What is important for us is to enable teaching effectively physics with all their important topics and issues. Now, using our kits and models all children can conduct their own experiments verifying the theory in practise.
Physics for Ukrainian students is a very important part of Jangar offer. We made a really nice choice of most needed and usefull teaching aids preferred and appreciated by the physics teachers. They include models, instruments, but what is most important during the physics class, the offer covers also a wide range of our most popular experimental kits and sets. Educational materials including materials for teachers and worksheets for students are often very reach (exceeding sometimes 100 pages of texts and drawings), but we worked them all in full in Ukrainian to let all students have the same learning chances. Enjoy your own physical experiments, all of you, all of them!